Tuesday 27 May 2014

Beneath Pleidus' Sky- Chapter 14

General Roguel was satisfied with update from Nyx. He planned to have a meeting as soon as Zephyr was discharged from the hospital.

He had been so furious for the last two days because of Zephyr’s team’s failure to bring back Rhea into their territory. Their informer had told them that Rhea was now in the Council’s care, which will make it harder for them to take her away.

“I want you to summon Commander Phrixus now,” ordered General Roguel.

“General, I met him and a few of his men at the medical facility just before I headed here,” said Nyx.

General Roguel squinted. It seemed that he was feeling suspicious about Phrixus.

“I have doubts in him,” revealed General Roguel. “I want you to stand guard at the medical facility in case he intended too so something to Zephyr. Not that I doubt Zephyr’s ability to take care of hi,self but he’s at his weak point now. Somebody might take advantage on that,” said General Roguel. He was aware that many of the Resistants especially Phrixus was against the idea of promoting Zephyr as captain a year ago.

“I will do as told,” said Nyx obediently, bowing as a gesture of respect. At least Nyx had obtained a formal order from General Roguel to be by Zephyr’s said as long as he was still weak.


“What is your intention coming here?” said Zephyr to Phrixus who had just entered his ward room.

“Relax, Captain. No need to be so mean. We are just visiting,” said Phirxus, smirking. He did not sit on the visitor’s chair, instead he just leant against the wall next to the window, just opposite Zephyr’s bed. Zephyr was already on his sitting position.

“As you can see, I’m fine,” said Zephyr, annoyed.

“How does it feel to be attacked by your men?” said Phrixus with an air of mockery.

“You wanna try?” Zephyr replied with the same mockery tone.

Phrixus smirked. He moved closer to Zephyr and spoke to him with a low voice.

“Whatever happened at the beachside, it certainly is strange,” said ominously. “Just so you know, I think something is not right. Not that I want to complain since that at least I got you hospitalized without having any control of it,”

Phrixus was still smirking. Of course it would be his pleasure to attack Zephyr although at the time, he could not control himself.

“I don’t care what you think because I’m the one who is injured now,” said Zephyr indifferently. Phrixus grew furious looking at Zephyr ignorance on the subject.

I swear I’m going to find out, Captain. Mark my word,” hissed Phrixus threateningly, his hand
gripping Zephyr’s injured shoulder tightly. Zephyr remained cool although he felt throbbing
pain on his shoulder.

“Suits you,” said Zephyr simply. Phrixus grunted irritatingly and let go Zephyr’s shoulder before beckoning his men out of the ward with him.

Once alone, Zephyr looked at is injured shoulder. The white bandage turned red with his blood. Phrixus’ grip just now caused the almost healed wound to bleed again. He groaned in annoyance.

As Zephyr was about to open the bandage on his shoulder, a nurse came in. She was very shocked to see blood soaking the bandage on Zephyr’s shoulder.

“Captain, what happened?” asked the nurse, shoving Zephyr’s hand from unbandaging his shoulder to do it herself.

“Nothing. Suddenly the wound bleeds again,” said Zephyr.

“I would get into trouble if my supervisor knows this. She’ll say I didn’t treat you properly,: said the nurse nervously as she clean the blood from the wound on Zephyr’s shoulder, applied antiseptic and herbal remedy before bandaging the injured part back with fresh clean bandage.

“Don’t worry,” Said Zephyr calmly to the nurse when she was about to leave. “If she asked, just say that I accidentally fell from the bed while sleeping,”

The panic-looking nurse brightened up a bit.

“Thank you, Captain,” she said, smiling.

“You’re welcome,” Zephyr replied. The nurse left the room looking a lot more relieved.

Zephyr looked out of the window. The scenery outside was never something to be admired of since ten years ago. The sky was always grey all year round and if it snowed, the snow would also be tainted with grayish debris from the ashes from Vorx Volcano.

It must had been raining this morning judging by the damp looking soil and the raindrops remain on the outer surface of the glass window.

But Zephyr was not really looking at the surrounding. He was only staring at an empty space, wondering whether Rhea was fine under the Council’s care.


Lilian was alone now after the nurse left the room with her empty tray of lunch, which she had finished. The was not really what she had usually taste but it was considerably edible and she was actually starving, so she finished it within seconds.

When Lilian was sure and ransacked its content. Zephyr said he left something for her, so she wanted to find it. But even after Lilian had emptied everything onto the bed, nothing was stranger to her. She browsed again. Her t-shirts and jeans, Jeremy’s wooden chest and novel. She put back everything into the backpack.

Zephyr did say to check the backpack, she thought.

“”I would like to read the novel if I have the chance,” Zephyr’s voice echoed. Lilian’s eyes widened.

She took her ‘The Historian’ novel and flipped through its pages. Zephyr would not just mention it. And she was right. Hidden innocently between the 300th and 301st page was a piece of paper with writings in blue ink.

She lifted the paper from the book and brought it nearer to her eyes to read it because the writing was so tiny and messy yet still legible.

There was smudged ink marks here and there.

“If you’re reading this note, then you’re safe and sound under the Council’s care. Abide to whatever I’m going to tell you to keep yourself safe.

Firstly, the Reader will want to read your mind sooner or later. They mean no harm and don’t protest. But try everything you could to not to think of me while they are reading your mind.

Second, Never mention my name to anyone even if they specifically speak my name.

Never stay out of the Scientists’ territories. The Resistant will always find the opportunity to get to you.

You will need to undergo your trainings. Be hardworking and pay attention. You will need your ability in the near future.

Last but not least, I’m sorry that you have to go through these hard times. It’s just a matter of time. I know you can face the truth. Take care.”

The note ended just like that. No signature, no name written, but Lilian knew that the note was written by Zephyr. Maybe it was written while she was sleeping on the last night they were together.

Lilian reread the note with a strange feeling playing deep down in her heart.

“Err...hi,” a nervous voice floated into the ward. Lilian turned to look at the door where a boy about her age was standing. He smiled forcefully, his dark chocolate eyes tried to avoid direct contact with Lilian’s eyes. Lilian quickly placed back the note between the pages of the novel, closed it calmly and shoved the thick book under a pillow.

“Hi,” said Lilian back, smiling. “You’re one the Legion too, right?” she asked.

“Ye…Yes,” stammered Alexis. “Am I bothering you?” Alexis sat on the visitor’s chair next to Lilian’s bed.

“No,” said Lilian shaking her head. “I’m quite bored actually,” she added truthfully.

“I’m sorry if I look nervous. I never talk to a stranger girl of my own age before,” said Alexis apologetically, fidgeting in his seat.

Lilian chuckled at Alexis’ honest statement.

“Did I said something wrong?” asked Alexis nervously when Lilian didn’t stop laughing. Lilian shook her head, trying to suppress her laughter.

 “This is the first time I met a boy who sound so frank and innocent,” said Lilian, smiling. Alexis actually blushed.

“I think I should go,” said Alexis miserably and stood up to leave but Lilian grabbed his hand.

“No, please. Don’t go. I need someone to talk to,” pleaded Lilian. Alexis sighed, blushed even more and sat back. “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings,” said Lilian sincerely.

“It’s not you. It’s me,” said Alexis. “ I have been in the Legion’s Academy since I was thirteen, and there was not many girls there and most of the time I don’t have the chance to talk to them. I just keep in contact with my childhood friends,”

“In short, you also have no girlfriend?”

“You can put it that way,”

“Do you know how glad I am to have this conversation? It strangely feels normal. I had been stuck with serious conversation and weird information for days already,” said Lilian, sighing.

“Thank you,” she added even more sincerely.

“I’m glad you like me being here,” said Alexis relieved. “ I had been visiting you ever since you had been warded two days ago but you were still unconscious at that time,”

“You are worried about me?” asked Lilian.

“Yes, actually. I had been worrying about you ever since Mithra, one of our comrades informed that the Resistant was going to get you. We never met before but I know how important you are to Pleidus,” said Alexis. “ But don’t get me wrong. I really personally worried about you because I was thinking how someone like you who was never exposed about Pleidus would face it,”

“Thank you for your concern,” said Lilian. “But don’t you think the subject is getting darker? Let’s talk about you again,” said Lilian with an air of joy.

Alexis beamed and laughed at Lilian’s carefree expression.

Monday 4 October 2010

Beneath Pleidus' Sky- Chapter 13

The medical facility was crowded with sick people. It was the time of the year when people get sick easily. Fortunately, the diseases were all curable, thanks to the traditional medicines made from the herbs, plants and flowers from their greenhouses.

Zephyr was warded separately. Being a captain gave him a privilege to get him special treatment. He was still unconscious for two days after being injured by his own men and losing so much blood.

His face seemed so serene in his sleep but he occasionally winced in pain when the nurses treated his injury on his left shoulder, right lower arm and chest.

A nurse came in for the morning duty to change Zephyr bandage and treat his injury. Just as when she applied the antiseptic on Zephyr’s wound on his shoulder, Nyx arrived. She insisted of taking over and just took the antiseptic bottle and cotton from the nurse’s hand. The nurse who knew that Nyx and Zephyr had been friends since they were teenagers let her do it. She left the room after making sure that Nyx knew what to do.

Nyx was about twenty years old, with layered honeycomb hair tied with a ribbon into a short ponytail. Her eyes were piercing jet black, giving people the impression that she was a very strong, resilient girl. Indeed, she was.

Nyx had been in the Resistant since she was three, right after her parents’ death which were caused by accident. Or at least that what she was told when she was a child. Just when she reached fifteen, their General revealed that it was the Legion who had caused her parents’ death. She did not want to know how and why they were killed. She was just determined to avenge her parents.

Nyx was bandaging back Zephyr’s injury when he moved his fingers, his forehead wrinkled. Then, Zephyr opened his eyes, staring blankly at the ceiling.

“Zephyr?” called Nyx, waving his hand over Zephyr’s unblinking eyes. When Zephyr showed no response, Nyx reached out her hand to stroke Zephyr’s hair but Zephyr quickly caught her hand before it reached his hair. Zephyr finally blinked and turned to Nyx.

“What are you doing here?” asked Zephyr with an air of annoyance. He let go of Nyx’s hand.

“I’m treating you,” said Nyx, hurt by Zephyr’s cold tone.

“Let the nurse do the work,” said Zephyr brusquely.

“Why are you always like this? What did I do wrong?” said Nyx frustratingly.

“I don’t have the mood to argue with you,” said Zephyr turning other way so he did not have to look at Nyx. Nyx stomped her feet and left the room.

As Nyx stood leaning walked stood against the wall near the entrance, she saw Phrixus and three of his men walking towards Zephyr’s ward. Phrixus saw her.

“Commander,” said Nyx, bowing her head slightly as Phrixus stopped in front of her.
“How’s the Captain?” asked Phyrixus.

“He just wakes up. I think he’s fine,” said Nyx.

“Of course he’ll be fine. He has a girlfriend looking after him all the time,” teased Phrixus evilly as he looked Nyx from top to bottom. Nyx was fighting with herself so not to strangle Phrixus. She knew Phrixus did not really like Zephyr because he was ten years older than him. And Phrixus certainly did not like Nyx because his nephew, Chryses who was just nine years younger than him was head over heels over Nyx who had obviously rejected him to choose Zephyr instead.

Phrixus and his men just went to Zephyrs ward, leaving Nyx who was speechless with fury. Nyx decided to just go back to the facility. She had to report to the General about Zephyr’s condition.

Without turning back, she just walked out of the medical facility and went to her horse. She untied her horse and stroked its mane.

“Why does he never try to understand me?” said Nyx to Philo, her grey horse. Philo neighed as if answering to Nyx’s complain. Nyx smiled bitterly as she patted Philo. Nyx mounted on Philo’s back. With a little signal nudge from Nyx, they galloped away from the medical facility.

“We are sorry for the delay, Sylvius. We stopped by the hospital to visit Rhea,” announced Vlasis as soon as he and Zoe arrived for the Council’s meeting. The meeting was already fifteen minutes on. Sylvius, the Senior Council who chaired the meeting just nodded and welcomed them to sit.

The Conference Room where the meeting was held was oval in shape with a large oval-shape table in the middle where all the members would sit facing each other. There were about ten other Council members sitting to Sylvius’ left and right.

The meeting was attended by the Council member, the Legion and Pleidus’ Representatives. There were about thirty people attending the meeting. Linus, Zoe and Alexis were already there, intently taking notes to enable them to present the points from the meeting to the other Legion members who did not attend the meeting.

“We were discussing about Rhea’s wellbeing just now. We would like to know Rhea’s condition from your point of view,” Vlasis requested Sylvius as soon as Vlasis and Zoe were seated.

Vlasis nodded.

“I think she’s doing fine but of course she’ll face certain difficulties adapting to the new environment. She will need support. About her memory, we need to have a separate discussion on that. She doesn’t seem to remember anything at all currently. As you mention before, a mentor would be a brilliant idea,” explained Vlasis.

Sylvius nodded and looked at the other Council’s Member.

“What do you think?” he asked the other members.

“I agree with the suggestion of having a personal mentor for her,” said Xenia, the secretary-general of the Council, who sat next to Sylvius. The others also nodded as murmurs of approval floated around the Conference Room.

“If that’s the case,” said Sylvius loudly over the sound of the murmurs, making the murmurs ceased almost abruptly. “We would look into a few candidates that we have to become the mentor,”

Sylvius picked up a piece of paper from one of the files in front of him and read out. “Based on what we had discussed in the previous meetings, we have agreed that the requirements needed for a mentor includes the ability for the person to talk openly with Rhea, about the same age as her to ensure no generation gap and able to be her guide. It does not necessarily mean same age,” Vlasis looked at Alexis. “Same gender,” he looked at Zoe, “or same ability,” he looked at Linus this time. “We need a fair balance of everything,” said Sylvius.
The others nodded in agreement.

“My part is done for now. I believe Xenia will have something to say,” said Sylvius handing over the meeting to Xenia.

“Thank you, Sylvius,” said Xenia. “I just want to notify everyone that we are going to have a formal welcoming dinner for Rhea around next week. The appropriate person to manage the event had been notified. Your action is only to make sure that you are available on that night to enable formal introduction of yourselves to Rhea. Any question?”

Random murmurs broke out again among them. The young ones seemed a little uncomfortable with the ‘formal’ idea. Zoe put her hands up.

“I assume we had to wear formal attire then?” asked Zoe.

“Yes. We’ll take care about Rhea’s attire too. I suppose you can help her out on that?” Xenia enquired.

“With pleasure!” beamed Zoe.

Daphne put up her hand next.

“Why don’t we announce about Rhea’s mentor during the formal welcoming dinner? It will benefit many people since that they will know who to go first if they are unsure whether they should go straight to Rhea,” suggested Daphne.

Xenia looked at Sylvius and the other Council members. They nodded their approval.

“Good suggestion, Daphne. We will just have to make the decision on the mentor selection faster then. Latest will be by the end of this week,” said Xenia. “Well then, anymore question or suggestion?”

The attendees looked at each other. Apparently, they had nothing more to say. Xenia handed back the meeting to Sylvius who concluded it with an announcement of their next Council’s meeting which will be a day just before the formal welcoming dinner.

The meeting adjourned minutes later with most of them heading to the Headquarters’ cafeteria for lunch.

“Zoe, do you want to accompany me to visit Rhea?” said Alexis to Zoe as they exit the Conference Room.

“I had just gone there with Vlasis before the meeting,” said Zoe. “Besides, I’m very hungry,” said Zoe patting her tummy.

“You are always hungry,” complained Alexis.

Then, they saw Linus walking out of the Conference Room with Xenia. They were discussing something in a very low voice. After a few seconds, the parted with Xenia heading to the Residential Sector while Linus walked towards the Headquarters’ cafeteria.

“Linus!” called Alexis. Linus turned. Alexis ran up to him.

“Come and accompany me to visit Rhea. Last time I went to visit her, she was still unconscious,” said Alexis with an air of eagerness.

“You do realise that you had been visiting her for every three hours since the first day she was hospitalized, right?” said Linus.

“I’m bored,” said Alexis curtly. “I mean, I haven’t had a long holiday since a month ago, so I did not know what else to do,”

“I already promised to meet Mithra at the cafeteria for lunch,” said Linus tonelessly. “I’m going to visit Rhea again this evening,”

“Fine. I’ll go alone,” said Alexis finally.

“What’s the fuss of going alone? I mean, are you feeling shy to go and meet her alone?” interrupted Zoe cynically.

“It’s not that. I’ll feel awkward,” said Alexis defensively, annoyed at Zoe smirking face.

“I have to get going,” said Linus, walking to the cafeteria leaving Alexis and Zoe.

“You like her don’t you?” whispered Zoe to Alexis. Alexis’ eyes rounded.

“Are you crazy?” he hissed back quickly. “If Rhea’s suitor heard this, I’ll be dead,” he added, looking around them nervously.

“Relax, man. The Council haven’t decided who her suitor will be. It might be you,” said Zoe teasingly to Alexis.

“Don’t talk nonsense. Of course it won’t be me,” said Alexis firmly.

“So, what is it about?” asked Zoe.

“It’s nothing,” said Alexis shortly but when Zoe stared hard at him, he said, “ I’m just nervous to meet a girl of my age, OK. How many girls have I talked to sonce since I join to Academy five years ago? You, Filippa, Elenea; we've been friend since we were small,”

“She’s not going to eat you, Alexis,” said Zoe incredulously. “Just be yourself,”

Suddenly Zoe’s stomach growled. Zoe chuckled. “That’s the signal,” she said. “I need food,”

So, Zoe walked hastily towards the cafeteria leaving Alexis feeling grumpy.

-End of Chapter 13-

Thursday 16 September 2010

Beneath Pleidus' Sky- Chapter 12

She was drowning. The current of the river seemed to pull her further down and she could not swim anymore. She tried to get to the surface but she could only wave helplessly to the dreamy looking sun above the water. Bubbles escaped her nose and mouth, the last bits of her oxygen. She had been fighting for her alive for quite a long time but she was losing it. It was exhausting. She could not take it anymore.

She lost it. She was giving up. She gave up kicking her legs. She gave up stroking her hands. She gave up breathing. She closed her eyes, feeling scared, feeling her heartbeat slowing. She was falling, surrendering to her ghastly fate.

But then she felt a hand around her body, pulling her upwards. She could not see who was rescuing her because her eyes were still tightly closed; hoping that what she was experiencing was not just a dream. As they broke over the water surface, she gasped for air. She was half-conscious as her rescuer pulled her to the river bank, out of the water. Another hand helped her rescuer to pull her out.

The anxious and concern faces of two boys swam in and out of her sight but she did not recognize any of them because her mind was so clouded.

She opened her eyes. The strong smell of the antiseptic pierced into her nostrils. She looked around. The bright and whiteness of the room was quite blinding for her eyes. She had been dreaming agan just now. Who was the two boys? She wondered. The door opened. A bespectacled man wearing a white lab coat entered the room and stepped towards her, smiling. A lady wearing a white nurse uniform followed closely behind.
“Where am I?” Lilian blurted out.

“The hospital. You passed out yesterday. A poisoned bullet grazed your neck. Fortunately it was not serious. You had been sleeping for the last twenty-four hours,” the man explained. “I’m your doctor; Doctor Hermes,”

Lilian nodded. She tried to flip through her memories. Where had she been before she ended up here? Had she been dreaming all the while? Had she been involved in an accident and was haunted by the crazy dreams of being kidnapped and car chase while in her state of unconsciousness? Would that mean that her parents were still alive?

“We are very glad that you have returned, Miss Rhea of Medea,” said the Dr. Hermes, his smiled widened as he jotted something on the clipboard he was holding. “You’ll be receiving visitors soon. So, rest well,”

Dr. Hermes and the nurse bowed slightly to her and exited the room. Lilian was still silent, stunned when the doctor mentioned the name ‘Rhea’. She frantically scanned the surrounding for clues which will determine whether she had been dreaming all this while.

She caught sight of the bottle of medicine on her bedside table. She took it and read the label. It wrote ‘Pleidus Medical Centre’. She placed the bottle back to its original place. She was already in Pleidus. She was not dreaming.

Lilian got down from her bed and went to the window. The curtains were already drawn, so she just peered outside. She was in a city, with many modern looking buildings. There were huge glass tubes connecting each building so that people could walk from one building to another through the glass tubes.  She could see thousands of people walking through the glass tubes.

She looked at the sky above. It was murky, just like when she had first gone through the portal. The air around looked foggy and she could not really the sun because it was constantly hidden by the dark clouds which were rolling across the sky. Was it going to rain?

Then, she heard the sound of the thunder rumbling but there was no lightning except for the occasional glow emanated from inside the black clouds. Bead of raindrops began to fall from the clouds.  The drizzle became heavy rain in just a few seconds. The rain pattered against the window. Lilian put her hand on the glass, fascinated by the rain.

“The rain looks beautiful from here, right?” said a familiar voice from behind. Lilian turned. A woman in her forty was standing at the doorway, looking at her. “But you don’t want to touch it. The rain here is acidic. It can burn your skin if you’re exposed to it without getting immunization beforehand,”

“It’s that horrible?” asked Lilian, hardly believing that the innocent looking rain can be so threatening. She turned back to the window to gaze at the rain before went to sit on her bed back. The woman sat in the chair just beside her bed.

“Do you feel better?” asked the woman, smiling in a motherly way. She was instantly being reminded to Maria.

“Yes, I’m fine but I feel very confused now. So many questions in my head,” said Lilian truthfully.

“I understand. I’m sorry I haven’t got to introduce myself properly. I’m Daphne of Myra, one of the council’s Legion, a part- time medical assistant here and an Eliminator,”

“Eliminator?” said Lilian, puzzled. “I never heard of it,”

“You’ll hear everything very soon. Once you’re fit enough, you’ll be attending classes for the Gifted Ones. I know you are more comfortable with the name Lilian, but to everyone who knows you here, they know you by the name Rhea. ‘Lilian’ is actually your undercover name. But of course, until you gain your memory back, no one would push you to use ‘Rhea’,” explained Daphne.

Lilian nodded. She was already exhausted by the flood of information for the past few days. She doubted any information could be cramped more into her worn out mind for the time being. Maybe a rest for a day or two would do.

“I know this whole process of adapting to your new life could be stressful but don’t worry. A mentor will be assigned to you. And I’m sure you’ll make friends in no time,” said Daphne assuring Lilian.

Friends. That could be useful. She remembered the thousands of people she had seen walking through the glass tubes. Would any of them become her friend?

“Err...Daphne, where’s my backpack?” Lilian asked Daphne as she looked around the room. Her backpack was not in sight.

“Oh, we had it brought here with you,” said Daphne. “It’s in the cupboard of the bedside table. We didn’t touch anything. Anyway, your green dress had been sent for dry- cleaning. It’s a beautiful dress, so it’s a pity if you have to discard it,”

“Thank you for that,” said Lilian, slightly touched with the thoughtful act.

Then, there was a knock on the door. Both Lilian and Daphne turned to look at the door. A man with short sooty hair and deep- set cognac eyes came into the room.

“Daphne, you better get your breakfast. Let me accompany her for a while,” said the main, smiling. He must be in his late twenties, judging by his mature look and business- like attitude.

“OK, then,” said Daphne, raising her eyebrows to Lilian. “He’s getting rid of me,” she added, chuckling. Lilian smiled. Daphne was definitely a pleasant lady who reminded her a lot of her mother. Daphne stood up and patted the man’s shoulder and left the room.

“Hi,” said the man, taking over Daphne’s seat on the chair next to the bed. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine. I’m good,” replied Lilian.

“I’m Linus of Medea, one of the Council’s Legion like Daphne but of a lower rank, of course,” he explained.

“Why you guys keep introducing yourselves like Rhea of something?” said Lilian curiously. She recalled Daphne introducing herself as Daphne of Myra and Dr. Hermes calling her as Rhea of Medea.

“I see. You are used to using surnames,” said Linus. “In Pleidus, the last name is the name of your birthplace. Like me and you, we were both born in Medea. You’ll be given a special lesson on Pleidus’ geography later, and then you’ll know where Medea is,”

“And you are a what? Keeper? Eliminator?” asked Lilian, curious about Linus’ ability.

“I’m a Manipulator,” he replied briskly.

Lilian was bewildered. He was one of the last three Manipulators.

“You are one of the last ones,” said Lilian, amused.

“Look who’s talking,” said Linus, laughing at Lilian’s funny expression. “We are endangered species,”

Lilian was embarrassed by her unintended expression just now.

“Thank you for saving me,” said Lilian without really looking at Linus.

“We should thank you,” said Linus.

“What do you mean?” said Lilian.

“You know what I mean. Although everyone though that I was the one who pull the strings on the Resisitants all that time, but I know I didn’t do most of it. I just stop them and made them drop their weapons. The rest...I think you know the story but I don’t want to tell anyone yet until I have talk to you personally,”

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” said Lilian brusquely.

“You see, Lily. For someone who is being clueless, you looked extremely calm and composed like you know what you’re going to expect. The more than two days you were with Zephyr, what did he told you?”

“I told you I don’t know what you’re talking about. Do you expect me to be so comfy with my kidnapper?” said Lilian, protesting.

“Fine,” said Linus. “I don’t want to push you but you better have a very good reason for this,”

Lilian fell silent. There was an awkward pause but finally Linus cleared his throat and said that he had to leave for Council’s meeting. Lilian just nodded.

As he stood up, Linus placed his hand on top of Lilian’s head and patted her gently.

“Please take care of yourself. I’ve been worrying about you for the past 15 years,” sighed Linus before he left the room.

Lilian was dumbfounded. Linus acted so familiar with her just now. Did they know each other before this?

As Linus footsteps disappeared, Lilian quickly took her backpack from the cupboard and opened it. Everything was quite intact. Her clothes, Jeremy’s wooden box, her favourite novel...

Linus nearly caught her off-guard. She should not talk. She promised Zephyr. She could still hear Zephyr’s voice echoed clearly in her head.

“Please do exactly as I told you. Can you promise to do that?” whispered Zephyr when he moved closer to Lilian. His lips were almost touching her ear. Lilian was utterly speechless. She became frightened when Zephyr talked to her like that. They were in the car, near the beachside just before she was supposed to make the ‘walk’ to Pleidus.

“Can you promise me?” he hissed urgently this time.

“Yes,” breathed Lilian. “Yes,”

“The Legion is on their way here,” said Zephyr. Lilian gasped. “The Resistants are also waiting for us near the portal,” he added tonelessly. Lilian was puzzled. What was Zephyr intending to do?

“I’ll delay the time as much as I can until the Legion arrived. Once they are here, one of them will crack the mind shields of my men. Once you feel I tightened my grip on your hand, that means the shields have been cracked. Use your power to make them attack me,”

“What? No!” Lilian protested. “I wouldn’t...!”

“Listen to me!” Zephyr urged insistently. “You have to be in safe hands. Do as I told. When they are attacking me, break free and go to the Legion. Follow them but you have to remember; never mention my name to anyone even if they specifically mention my name.

“They may try to read your mind to understand what you have gone through but take every time you have to left blank the memories you have about me. The Readers could only read what you are thinking on that time, so I’m sure you know how to control what you are thinking.

“Once you are safely in their side of Pleidus, check your backpack. I left something for you in there. I would really like to read that novel of yours someday if I have the chance.”

Lilian knew he was referring to ‘The Historian’ by Elizabeth Kostova she had packed in her backpack but she could not understand what the point was.

“But...,” Lilian tried to protest again but Zephyr put his finger on her lips to silence her.

“Please don’t say anything more,” he said. Then, he gave a long lingering kiss on Lilian’s cheek near her ear. 

“Please take care of yourself after this,” he said gravely.

Lilian who was stunned by the kiss just nodded, her eyes brimming with tears for no apparent reason but Zephyr pretended not to see it.

He got out from the car before pulling Lilian out from the car. They met the other Resistants near the invisible portal who looked very determined to throw her directly into the portal. However, a few minutes after that, the Legion arrived and the unsuspecting Resistants went to strike them. Then, he saw the Resistants suddenly stopped their shooting and threw their guns to the sands. They were like being controlled but Zephyr was not affected at all.

She felt Zephyr’s grip tightened on her arm.

Concentrating, Lilian commanded the Resistants to attack Zephyr with their remaining weapons which were their swords. When the attack started, Zephyr actually gave a little nudge on her hand to signal her to go. She obliged and ran towards Daphne.

When she turned once, she saw Zephyr injured by his own men on the shoulder. She actually had to fight the urge to run back to him but she remembered she had promised Zephyr, so she turned and continue running towards Daphne.

Lilian closed her eyes. She could feel her eyelashes soaked with her tears. Will Zephyr be OK?

She did not really had time to grief for Zoe and Vlasis suddenly dropped by the hospital to visit her seconds later. She wiped out her tears and put up an empty smile which would make most people think that she was having difficulty coping with whatever new in Pleidus.

-End of Chapter 12-

Sunday 5 September 2010

Beneath Pleidus' Sky- Chapter 11

“Impossible!” said Alexis incredulously. “They won’t easily let their guards down,”

“But its better we try,” said Zoe.

“What if it’s just a trap?” said Alexis, still being pessimist.

“We just have to be extra careful. We are running out of time, Alexis,” said Nilus. Alexis shifted in his seat miserably. Should he trust what he heard? Maybe he should just shut up when he heard it.

Less than ten minutes ago, Alexis heard a distant mind babbling about having Rhea in custody and they had arrived at the portal. Rhea’s face was vivid in that person’s mind. He was taken by surprise that he blurted out the details, causing Linus to quickly rent a car to track Rhea.

Currently, they were already midway to the destination, the red dot on the Portal Tracker in Daphne’s hand blinking as if beckoning them towards it. They were not far from the portal.

All the way, they had been arguing with Alexis who was sure that it was just a trap set up by the Resistant to lure them away from Rhea’s real location but Vlasis insisted that they gave it a shot. Linus was driving the car with Vlasis sitting beside him. Alexis was grudgingly sandwiched between Daphne and Zoe.

They arrived at the beach without any incident, parking just behind an empty parked car. They got out from the car quietly. It was getting dark but they could see two pairs of a footprints and a shoeprints in the sand heading towards the beachside. They followed the prints which were making a turn along the beach where the prints disappeared, consumed by the waves.

“They are here,” warned Alexis in a low voice that was audible to he rest of his team. “All of them had their mind shielded,” he added but then he added his expression changed. “There is one unique mind shield,” he said wonderingly.

“Rhea,” breathed Linus. “She is really here, too,”

They paced faster now, following the blinking red dot on the Portal Tracker, leaving their deep shoeprints in the sand.

When the portal was just a few metres from them, they heard a girl’s voice.

“Please just let me go,” the girl pleaded. Vlasis gave a serious meaningful look at Zoe who nodded, while the rest of the Legion sprinted towards the voice where they found Rhea who was wearing a green dress and carrying a backpack surrounded by six armed men.

The one who was holding Rhea’s arm was casually dressed, unlike the others who were wearing their mud green long jackets. He was holding a sword in his other arm.

Realising that someone was trying to crack their mind shields, the Resistant looked around as if searching for something until they see the Legion who were ready to strike.

The Resistant started shooting at the legion who were dodging them and returned fire. But they had to be careful because they did not want to accidentally hurt Rhea in the fight.

Once Alexis nodded at Linus indicating that the Resistants’ mind were exposed, Linus concentrated and stopped the Resistant from shooting. They just stood there, eyes unfocused. They slowly dropped their guns on the sand. However, he noticed that the man who was holding Rhea was totally unaffected. He tightened his hold on Rhea’s arm.

Suddenly, the Resistants charged to the man who was holding Rhea. They pulled out their swords and attacked him with every intention to stab and slash him. The man fought back with his sword. Seconds later, he lost his hold and Rhea which Rhea took the chance to break free and ran towards the Legion.

Rhea turned to look at the man once, just as one of the swords slashed him on the shoulder, drenching his shirt with blood. Rhea gasped, her hand covered her mouth but she turned away and went straight to Daphne. Daphne embraced her, comforting the fear- stricken girl.

It was impossible for Alexis to read Rhea’s mind because her mind was securely vaulted, the kind he never encounter before, but her face told the general story of her emotion right then.

“Come, we must move!” ordered Vlasis. They ran back to their car in the darkness of the night, with Zoe following them closely behind while maintaining her effort to crack the Resistants’ mind.

Rhea closed her eyes tightly as soon as they had packed themselves into the car. Linus sped the car as fast as the car could go.

“We need to find the nearest safe portal!” said Linus loudly over the noise of the rumbling engine of the car and the whistling wind.

“There’s one about six kilometres away from here. This one will lead us to the spot just across the Xionthe River. Just follow this road for the time being,” said Daphne quickly, referring to her Portal Tracker.

Linus nodded and concentrated on the road.

“Are you OK, my dear?” asked Daphne to Rhea who had been silent the whole time.

“Yes. I think I am,” Rhea replied, nodding awkwardly.

“You know who we are, Rhea?” Daphne asked again.

“I know you are the Council’s Legion but my name is Lilian, not Rhea,” said Rhea. Of course, she still had not remembered who she were but she had certainly been well- informed, else they would be troubled to explain their reason for being here to her, Alexis thought.

A few minutes later, they noticed that they were being followed.  The bright beam of light from the headlight behind them was reflected by the rear mirror. A car was speeding up to them. A bullet reached the rear windshield, shattering it into pieces, sending the back passengers to lower their heads.

“Damn it! They are fast!” said Vlasis, looking at the side mirror. “We have to lose them,”

Zoe and Alexis who were sitting at each door had taken out their guns while Daphne was protecting Rhea. The Resistants opened fire again; one bullet whizzed past just next to Linus’ ear and hit the front windshield which cracked into hundreds of pieces, ruining his view of the road in front of him. Vlasis quickly kicked the cracked front windshield out to completely get rid of it and clear the view.

Zoe and Alexis returned fires, targeting the windshield and the tyres. It was not easy because of the darkness and the blinding light from their car. After a few shots, Alexis managed to shot both of the front tyres, puncturing them causing the driver of the car to have difficulty to control the car. The car swayed violently.

Zoe shot their windshield down and shot directly to the driver’s head, killing him instantly.

They lost control of the car and it went to hit the divider. The survived Resistants got out from their car and opened fire again in their desperate attempt to stop them but they were already in a safe distant, just three kilometres away from the portal they were heading to.

Soon enough, they stopped by the roadside and trekked into the woods along the road.

“Here it is,” said Daphne finally, running her fingers vertically downwards over an invisible surface. They quickly wore the crystals bracelet on their wrists. Daphne gave one to Rhea.

“I already have one,” she said, showing her crystal bracelet.

“They gave it to you?” asked Vlasis, referring to the Resistant. Rhea nodded. “It will do,” he said.

“Just walk straight. It’s completely normal. Zoe will go first. Just follow her,” said Daphne.

Rhea nodded without much question. Zoe stepped forward. A few more steps and she just disappeared. Daphne gave Rhea a gentle nudge on the back to encourage her to follow Zoe. She obliged.

As she stepped through the portal, Lilian gazed above her. The ghostly trees above her looked eerie with the bright crescent moon shining above them. That sight abruptly disappeared as she stepped forward, replaced by sight of the murky morning sky, the dull sun and the hazy surrounding. It was not a pleasant sight.

She looked around. A girl in her twenties which she knew as Zoe was smiling at her. Shortly, the others joined them.

Out of the blue, Lilian felt light- headed. Her neck ached.

She rubbed her neck with her hand but she felt something liquid like sweat on the side of her neck which was covered by her hair. She pulled her hand back and stared on her palm. Crimson liquid stained her hand.

She coughed. More crimson blood.  She tried to inhale but suddenly breathing became something so hard to do.
Lilian panicked when she found that she could barely able to breathe. She was suffocating as she held her neck.

She felt hands supporting her up but she was already losing the sense of the ground. Her sight blurred, darkness engulfed her. She felt so scared. So scared to think that she might never be able to see the light again.

-End of Chapter 11-